Overview Image


Addressing pain points of researchers through their research journey

There is a strong lack of awareness of Sex education, along with a gap in the impartment of comprehensive sex education in schools, colleges, and other institutions in the country to adolescents.


  • UX Research
  • UX Design
  • Product Design
  • UI Design and Prototyping

Project Details

  • Type: Personal Project (Group)
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Tools: Tool 1 Tool 2 Tool 3


  • User Research Audit
  • Interactive Prototype
  • Testing Analysis

Solution Sneak Peak

Screen 1

Easy Tools and Accessible Material provided at ease

Tools and Resources are designed to be easily accessible, allowing researchers to dive into their tasks without unnecessary hassle. Researchers can retrieve information or data whenever they need, at any place and time during the on-field research.


Participants Searches and Casting Polls for Researchers

An easy way to find your user base and sample size through other streamlined channels. With participant search, researchers can find sample sizes easily and conduct studies more accurately.

Screen 2

Design Process

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Desk Research

The project’s base began with understanding research and the basic questions that follow along with them.

Is Research ?
Careful study and investigation to discover and explain new knowledge.
Microscope Image
Is Research Used?
Research studies are useful across industries like education, business, government, and science fields.
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Is Research Done?
Involves you or your team going directly to the source to ask questions and gather data.
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Is Research Important?
To understand a phenomenon, situation, or behavior under study and its impact.
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All Conduct Research?
Research is diverse and conducted from academicians to professionals.
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Type of Research

Chart 1

Literature Review:

Primary research is used to complement, validate, or question nationwide or regional patterns through localized data
~Lynn Hall & Leah Wahlin
To identify and correct flaws you can initiate the process of piloting or experimenting with your questions on a small, targeted group to ensure their clarity.
~John W Creswell
Respondents must have the information sought, which holds significance, especially when in search of factual or technical details.
~Ranjit Kumar
The fundamental guideline for any data collection process is to document the methodology behind data generation and the process by which we acquired them.
~Sydney Verba
It is crucial that every participant possesses a certain level of experience with the phenomenon being studied.
~Cheryl N Poth
A crucial phase in the procedure involves identifying individuals or locations for study with participants to ensure the acquisition of valuable data.
~John W Creswell


Research is Complex
Conducting research methodologies and practices to achieve results presents numerous challenges.
Research can be time-consuming
Research is often accompanied with other miscellaneous tasks, leaving less time for focused-research.
Research has multiple aspects
Along with carrying the process out, there is plagiarism, ethical approvals, funding issues etc.
Research is vital in many fields
There are significant studies and sources pointing towards significant impacts driven by research.

Problem Area

Necessary pain points of researchers when they are conducting throughout their research journey.
Note: This problem area is aimed to focus on market, industrial, and educational studies. Scientific and medical research is outside the scope of this project due to differing needs and priorities, highlighted through the desk research.

Pilot Study

The initial study explores stakeholder interactions and methods to understand the overall different research processes. The study helped gain an understanding of which groups to focus on.

Method of Research

Interview Type: One-on-One (Offline)
Interview Question: One Word/True-False
Professionals Early-Career Independent Workers Industry Experts Academicians
Total Paticipants: 27 Users
Avg Duration 10 mintues

Objectives of the Research

  • Understanding Researchers and what target groups do
  • The process they follow while conducting research

Findings of Research:

The findings of the research can be divided in two parts. The first part was making significant observations on the process of research. Stakeholder mentioned numerous tactics of how they tackle research, on the basis of which a general task flow is mentioned below.
An overview of how tasks are executed through a general process
  • Equipped with the research process through years of experience.
  • Start research with an open mindset and proceed to dive deep into it
  • Have resources built to conduct high-impact research.
Early-Career Researchers
  • The process of research is new and fresh. Uncertainty of how to perform research.
  • Doubtful whether they are on the right track.
  • Its hard to gain access to resources while conducting research.
Independent Researchers
  • There is no medium to rely on, while conducting research
  • Access to resources are hard to attain.
  • Navigating not cost effective.
Pain points from different stakeholder groups

Insights of the Research

Resources aren’t readily available Resources become difficult to gain for early-career and independent researchers.
Data handling is crucial to determine outcomes Handling large amounts of data and ensuring its accuracy, is stressful on a larger scale.
Professionals recall facing lack of resources With experience, professionals seek to simplify the process for others.

Stackholder Identification

The pilot study identified clear perspectives to streamline the process and build for the specific target groups.
PRIMARY At a base level, the focus is to streamline solutions towards Early-career and Independent researchers
SECONDARY On a broader level, the connected audiences would be academia groups and universities.

Primary Research

On finalizing the target group, there was a need to better understand the selected primary and secondary audiences in detail.

Method of Research

Interview Type: One-on-One (Offline)
Interview Question: In-depth Questionnaire
Early-Career Independent Workers Academicians
Total Paticipants: 22 Users
Avg Duration 45 mintues

Objectives of the Research

  • Understanding Motivation and Purpose to conduct research.
  • Current Methodologies followed and solutions adapted too
  • Need-based demands of researchers
  • Real-life examples scenarios of problems occurred.

Findings of Research

Many early-career researchers experience insufficient guidance
~“Well there isn’t anyone to mentor me through the process. That can be challenging.”
Lacking support can isolate independent researchers, hindering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
~“Well cross-collaboration between researchers is a difficult process. There are a few channels that support this.”
On-Field visits can be valuable for research but often present challenges.
~“On-field research poses its own challenges of location, logistics, data management etc.”
Obtaining a representative or large enough sample size can be difficult.
~“As a researcher, I prefer first-hand insights from SME’s when exploring unfamiliar topics.”
Researchers may encounter language and ethical barriers that hinders data collection.
~“As a researcher, I prefer first-hand insights from SME’s when exploring unfamiliar topics.”
Research is a lengthy process and has no definite end point.
~“As a researcher, the entire journey is lengthy. There are multiple setbacks along the way.”

Insights of the Research

Insufficient mentorship and guidance Users pointed towards lack of guidance through the entire process and being uninformed about methodologies of research.
Obtaining a certain sample size is difficult When obtaining participants for interviews and studies, there can be a non-streamlined pathway opted.
On-field research isn’t supported with varying tools The process of on-field research is tedious and often encounters numerous hurdles

Market and Competition Study

The insights drawn from the Primary Research led to conducting a detailed market study, and understanding the existing solutions.

Current Tools and Mastery:

In the identified problem area, numerous current influences and tools aim to streamline the process. I have accordingly categorized these influences based on whether they are direct or indirect inlfuences engaged by researchers.
Pain points from different stakeholder groups

Categorization of obtaining Representative Samples:

Interviewers and researchers who conduct studies have provided insights on various methods they use to reach their sample sizes. To develop a solution tailored for these researchers, I categorized these methods based on their impact vs effort required.

How Might We

User Perspective

How might we ensure a smoother service to ensure the entire reasearch process is esaier?


To be able to incorporate a wide range of tools and supporting materials to streamline research having a product application to streamline research is efficient.

Concept Development:

To be able to prioritize and generate new ideas for the application, there were two ideation methodologies used. SCAMPER and Mash-up Tool were the two ideas implemented.

Substitute normal data with visual representations
Substitute the sample size with other secondary data
Substitute handwritten note-taking with AI note-taking
Feature about the insights and data
Get help from experts in the field and connect with them
Reward-based system for research participation
Adapting the concept of background checks for participants
Adapting hologram features to induce real-life on-field research
Modify the traditional route
Modify the research process of findings data
Connecting researchers with each other
Putting in the aspect of finding mentors
Eliminate unnecessary task scheduling and planning
Estimate the use of multiple platforms
Reverse the process & expect sample size to approach researchers
Reverse the task, how to experiment research tactics
SCAMPER Ideation - to generate features
Mash-Up Ideation - to generate features
Mash-up Tool Image
Ideation Image
Brainstorm Image
Synectic Tool Image

Information Architecture

Final Solution

Screen 1

Easy Tools and Accessible Material provided at ease

Tools and Resources are designed to be easily accessible, allowing researchers to dive into their tasks without unnecessary hassle. Researchers can retrieve information or data whenever they need, at any place and time during the on-field research.


Participant Searches and Casting Polls for Researchers

An easy way to find your user base and sample size through other streamlined channels. With participant search, researchers can find sample sizes easily and conduct studies more accurately.

Screen 2

UI Developed in 2023

Visual Design

To be able to explore newer ideas and drive research insights in the right direction, I had a simple mind-map to ideate the main product to streamline research.!

User Testing

The initial study explores stakeholder interactions and methods to understand the overall different research processes. The study helped gain an understanding of which groups to focus on.

Method of Research

Interview Type: One-on-One (Offline)
Interview Question: Questionnaire
Professionals Early-Career Independent Workers Academicians
Total Paticipants: 15 Users
Avg Duration 20 mintues

Objectives of the Research

  • The flow and user journey of the application is suitable to researchers
  • Additional improvements and changes to the application

Insights of the Research:


Researchers needed increased accessibility

Opening the app and finding certain tools, especially in closed time frames isn't ideal.


Researchers need an advanced filter for niche sample sizes

The filters need an advanced and more details while targeting niche audiences.

Implementing the changes through insights:


Simple Widgets to ease the complexity

Adding quick access widgets to capture important data and simplify tasks.


Advanced Filtration with AI suggestions

Adding a one-step distinct filter system to search audience when choosing niche options.

Designing an application to streamline researchers workflow

Product Design | Research | Strategy

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